Beth lost 110 lbs.
I made the rounds for my annual checkups. Each visit began about the same "Hi! How are you? Have you considered gastric-by-pass?" Each doctor waxed on about the many benefits, blah, blah, blah! I wasn't hearing any of it. My cardiologist tried the scared straight method. He told me he did not know too many 60-year-old women my size. That registered but did not cause me to consider my alternatives. Finally, after a few visits and some blood work, I had moved from "Borderline Diabetic" to "could be Diabetic". My Doctor suggested I go to see Dr. Isaacs. " And by the way, they have a great weight loss program you might want to consider", my doctor had added in, just as a suggestion. So, in I came for an orientation for this great weight loss program, bringing my, "it can't hurt" attitude. Before I knew it, and certainly not by any design of my own, I signed on, still saying "it can't hurt". I made this decision with feelings of resignation and with a bit of a point to prove. Gastric-by-pass, I'll show you!! That was the end of May 2005, and now it is January 2006, and I have lost 97 pounds (that's 3 pounds from 100 pounds, in case you could not do the math!) And show them, I sure did! But more importantly, I showed me. I have followed the program, stayed "in the box", which means I don't cheat. Let me clarify, I do not cheat myself, I do not sabotage myself, and I do not let myself give up or give in. It has taken every ounce (or pound) of my will power, it has taken the tremendous support of my family and friends, and it has taken an awesome group of people at Atlanta Endocrine Associates and my classmates, to make it to this point. And I am not there yet, I have a much smaller way to go but I am confident I will get there. There is no other choice, because I went from " it can't hurt", to - "it will hurt if I can't ". Lastly, I want to tell you what a difference it has made in my life. I am a 42-year-old mother of three children and have been married for almost 18 years. I have three part time jobs and lots of part-time volunteer jobs. My life is very full but now, I can actually keep up with it. I am always going and I can move like the wind. I feel light as a feather and everything feels better. By the way, I have gone done 12+ sizes, and I actually have jeans that fit me and look good. It is amazing! As for my health, I hope to leave Diabetes behind and I draw closer to that goal. There are so many wonderful benefits to this program that I can only say that seeing me will make you believe that it is possible. And hopefully give you the push to join me and all of my classmates toward a slimmer, healthier life.